Quad-E live-in facility for people with special needs. Together with other parents and experts, Boon Hock and Guek founded the Quad-E Society to serve persons with disabilities. The Quad-E mission is to Engage, Enable, Enhance, and Empower these young people to live their daily lives to their fullest potential.
Melaka, Malaysia
2019 - Project trip
2020 - Design Phase
2026 - Construction completion (anticipated)
Dan Chong, Lead Designer (EMI)
Quad-E, Client
Accessibility is defined as the manipulation of the physical environment so that everyone regardless of special needs or not can enjoy the same spaces to live, work and play. The program included a live-in facility for adults with special needs, therapy building, classrooms, admin, and therapy pool. Aging parents of adult children with special needs worry about who will take care of their children when they are too old to care for them. With little guidance and help from locally, Dan was asked to help masterplan this facility. Read more about it here