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To mark the 350th anniversary of the founding of Montréal, the Canadian Center for Architecture (CCA) mounted an exhibition to explore the development of the city during the 18th century when Montréal was a fortified town.

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1920 Baile St, Montreal, Quebec


1992 - Design and Installation



Dan Chong, Exhibitor (McGill)

CCA, Client


This exhibition provided a unique opportunity to consider how an 18th-century military and commercial town was conceived, and how the geometry was very much influenced by how best to defend a fortified city against invaders using cannons.


Though a careful study and interpretation of French treatises, these gates were recreated for exhibition, faithfully following the dimensions in the treatises, but using more temporary materials appropriate for a temporary museum exhibition rather than heavy masonry to describe the massing and general design of the fortification gates.

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Conceptual design model and hand sketches for Fortification gates of Montreal.
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